Al-Fadilah: Islamic Economics Journal <p><strong>Al-Fadilah: Islamic Economics Journal</strong> is peer-reviewed journal published by Hellow Pustaka Publisher. The journal is aimed to publish research contributing to the development of theory, practice, and policy making in Islamic Economics. It therefore intends to create an interface between academic research and its practical application. The journal welcomes theoretical; technical; and applied articles that draw on all areas of Islamic Economics.</p> Penerbit Hellow Pustaka en-US Al-Fadilah: Islamic Economics Journal 3031-0210 The Role of Islamic Economics in Overcoming Economic Inequality and Realizing Development in Indonesia <p>Islamic economic development does not only measure the level of prosperity in the world, but is much more important than that, namely how prosperity will be in the afterlife. Economic inequality is a serious problem faced in many countries, including Indonesia. The application of Islamic economics can be a solution to overcome this problem with the principles of justice and fair distribution. Even though in Indonesia, Islamic economics is increasingly gaining attention with government initiatives and sharia financial institutions, there are still challenges such as a lack of understanding, regulations and policies that support the comprehensive development of Islamic economics. Research on the role of Islamic economics in overcoming economic inequality and realizing development in Indonesia is important to provide a deeper understanding of the implementation of Islamic economics and the steps that need to be taken for inclusive and sustainable development. The research method used in making this journal is the data selection method. Namely carrying out a systematic search for various journals relevant to the research topic using data analysis such as Google Scholar. In conclusion, the implementation of Islamic economics can be a sustainable and fair solution to overcome economic inequality. By applying the principles of justice, sustainability and transparency in economic practices, Indonesia can create a more just and sustainable society and achieve inclusive and sustainable development goals.</p> Delia Desvianti Mardiana Safitri Serliana Zulfikar Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Delia Desvianti, Mardiana Safitri, Serliana, Zulfikar Hasan 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 1 9 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.16 Analysis of Consumption and Productivity Patterns in Islamic Economics <p>Analysis of consumption and productivity patterns in the Islamic economy provides an in-depth understanding of how religious principles influence economic governance. Consumption in the Islamic economy is emphasized on the principles of justice, blessing and social responsibility, while productivity is directed at creating sustainable added value. Internal factors such as religion, culture, education, and economic status, as well as external factors such as price, product availability, government policies, and globalization, influence the consumption patterns and productivity of Muslim communities. Analysis based on Islamic economic principles shows the importance of practicing values ​​such as halal and haram, fairness and justice, moderation, and social welfare in economic activities to create a sustainable and ethical economy in Muslim society. based on sharia principles that are fair, sustainable , and oriented towards the welfare of the people. In conclusion, this analysis provides a comprehensive view of how Islamic economics can play an important role in shaping consumption and productivity patterns that benefit individuals, society and the environment.</p> Aiza Zulmairoh Nur Umida Yuliana Zulfikar Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Aiza Zulmairoh, Nur Umida, Yuliana, Zulfikar Hasan 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 2 1 10 21 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.21 The Role of Islamic Economics in the Global Economy <p>This article explains the role of Islamic economics in the global economy consisting of an introduction, understanding sharia economics, principles of Islamic economics, globalization and the role of Islamic economics in the global economy. This journal is to find out the role of Islamic economics in the global economy in accordance with Islamic economic principles. Islamic economics is based on sharia principles which prohibit usury (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and encourage fair and transparent transactions. These principles support economic stability and social justice. This research concludes that Islamic Economics plays a very important role in the global economy by offering an ethical and sustainable alternative. With the continued development of Islamic finance and increased global awareness of sharia principles, Islamic economics has the potential to make a significant contribution to global economic stability and inclusiveness.</p> Anisa Fitriani Jamilah Nadila Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Fitriani, Jamilah, Nadila 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 2 1 22 29 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.23 Paradigm of Virtue in Sharia Economics in Surah Al-Imran Verse 92 <p>The blessing paradigm is an important concept in sharia economics which emphasizes the importance of blessings in economic activities. This research aims to examine the virtue paradigm in sharia economics based on Surah Al-Imran verse 92. This verse is believed to provide a strong foundation for the importance of giving and donating property on the path of Allat SWT. This study uses the tafsir analysis method to understand the meaning and content of the verse related to virtue in sharia economics. It is hoped that the results of this study can contribute to the development of sharia economic discourse that is oriented towards virtue and prosperity.</p> M Yosi Ramadan Muhibban Ahmad Farishin Ikhwan Copyright (c) 2024 M Yosi Ramadan, Muhibban, Ahmad Farishin Ikhwan 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 2 1 30 38 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.17 Analysis of the Influence of Sharia Monetary Policy on Economic Development in Indonesia <p>The Islamic economic system is considered capable of contributing to the global economy, including in Indonesia. This article aims to analyze monetary policy in Indonesia from an Islamic economic perspective. In this research, researchers observe monetary policy instruments, namely open market operations, where in general, monetary targets are aimed at encouraging economic growth and stabilizing inflation. The methodology used is a literature study approach to three main journals and several national and international journal articles related to sharia monetary. The main finding of this research is that the development of sharia-based monetary policy in Indonesia is considered to have an important role in economic development in Indonesia.</p> Rania Ningsih Bilal Kautsar Setiabudi Moh azfahani zain Nasya Amelia Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Rania Ningsih, Bilal Kautsar Setiabudi, Moh azfahani zain, Nasya Amelia Putri 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 2 1 39 51 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.18 The Impact of Central Bank Policy on Aspects of Bank Sharia Financial Behavior in the Money Market <p>Central bank policy has an important role in influencing the behavior of banks in the money market. This is important because banking movements can affect market stability and the economy as a whole. Therefore, analysis of the impact of central bank policy on bank behavior is very important to expand understanding of how monetary policy can influence the actions of banks participating in money markets. The research results show that central bank policies such as changes in interest rates, mandatory reserve policies, and market intervention have a significant impact on bank behavior. Interest rates set by the central bank can affect bank lending and investment interest, while mandatory reserve policies can affect banks' liquidity and their risk management strategies in the money market. This study also emphasizes the importance of transparency and communication from central banks in implementing policies. Clarity in policy can indirectly help in managing market expectations and help banks respond to changes in monetary policy. This research can be the basis for further research exploring how central bank policies can improve risk and liquidity management, as well as the stability of money markets and the economy. In conclusion, central bank policy has a significant impact on bank behavior in the money market, and policy communication and transparency are important factors in bank risk and liquidity management in order to maintain money market stability in the future.</p> Nuzhuliya Mega Avifa Samsul Arifin Ida Farida Copyright (c) 2024 Nuzhuliya Mega Avifa, Samsul Arifin, Ida Farida 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 1 52 60 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.19 Entrepreneurship in Islam (Foundations and Motivation for Entrepreneurship in Islam) <p>Islam is the most perfect religion, a religion that regulates all aspects of life, not only from the worldly aspect but also the afterlife. In Islam worldly rules are explained and regulated through the Qur'an and Hadith. One of the perfections of Islam is that it requires its followers to be able to live independently by working or doing business in the right way. In living independently, Islam teaches us to be entrepreneurial. In writing this article, we will explain the foundation and motivation for entrepreneurship that must be applied in entrepreneurial activities. And the research method used is library research, namely research carried out by collecting data from books which are used as data sources. The concept of entrepreneurship in Islam which is given by Islam as a recommendation for entrepreneurship is implied as our basis for trying and developing ourselves, namely as stated in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. And the thing that must be developed and applied within a person or group is motivation. With motivation, a person can be encouraged to make efforts to achieve a goal in fulfilling survival.</p> Faizatul Husna Holilur Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Faizatul Husna, Holilur Rahman 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 1 61 69 10.61166/fadilah.v2i1.20